
What makes a good documentary?

In a group of 3, we went around the college, asking questions about documentaries – we asked people of different ages to get various answers. The most popular answer for what makes a good documentary was an interesting subject or topic.  Most of the younger generation didn’t watch documentaries often whereas the older generation watched them frequently. The most popular documentary presenter was David Attenborough and Kate Humble was a close second. The most popular genre was nature.


Ross Kemp in Afghanistan  –

As a viewer, the scenes are dramatic and tense, and they are put straight into the action, it shows an emotional mother, which viewers at home may have an emotional question too. The real life shots of the army are very hard hitting and give a real life insight into the army.

As a film maker, the editing shots are very dramatic and more than once fade to black. There is a picture of Ross Kemp’s father as a member of the army for emotional connection and to give the presenter a reason to make the documentary.

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