Unit 51: Page Layout Design

nme-double-page I like the font layout and the black and white design.


DSC_0506 I like the contrast of the purple against the black background.

Adryanne-250812e I like the simpleness of this layout because it makes the bright colours stand out, I also like the boldness of the font.

doublepagespreadladygagaq The red ‘L’ really stands out against the white background.

screen-shot-2014-04-04-at-09-14-19 I like the dark colours which make the image stand out.


Screen Shot 2014-11-13 at 15.17.53

As my first piece of work did not save, i had to re create it in a short amount of time so I am not really pleased with the outcome. I’ve co ordinated some of the text colour with the colour of Kelly Osbourne’s hair which I think looks quite effective. If I had more time I would have liked to make the large ‘L’ black and white as I don’t like the colour red, it is too much of a contrast to the purple colours.

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